From Pachova House you start along the river and continue on a marked path climbing the ridge on the north side of the village. There is revealed one of the most spectacular views in this mountain - the plumbs of the Mare's Walls and the rising peak Beglichka Mogila (1482 m.). The path passes to the right of it and follows a ravine to the cabin, which is protected from wind and thunder. In total, the transition takes about 5 hours.
Lakatnik rocks and the “Dark Hole” cave
The route starts from the karst spring "Zhitolyub", right after the restaurant "Peshterata". The path is well defined, in places with railings and benches here and there. For avid mountaineers, the climb takes about 60 minutes, and for the rest - about 90 minutes. However, the route is easy and apart from suitable shoes (not sandals or flip flops) and water, no special training is required.
Along the way, you can enter the lobby of the "Dark Hole" cave. The cave is not ennobled and therefore its visit inside the galleries should be done with a guide. At the Alpine Meadow shelter you will see the built climbing routes and you will be getting closer to the Eagle's Nest house perched on the rocks. This is a shelter made by climbers in 1938 with a slight wink to beginner climbers. From the site of the September monument, the view is stunning. The return is about 1 hour.
Vazova eco-trail near the village of Bov
The Vazova eco-trail connects the village of Bov Station with the village of Zasele. The trail leads to one of the highest waterfalls in Bulgaria - Bovska skaklya, about 85 meters high.
The path is ennobled - there are stone stairs, railings, wooden bridges, gazebos. Keep in mind that in places it is quite steep. You need to wear appropriate shoes.
The waterfall does not flow continuously and if you visit it during the dry season, it may be without water.
The trail has another beginning from the village of Zasele. From there you descend to Bov. Since the path is steep, it is better to climb it to Zasele first and then, full of impressions, go back down.
The ascent takes about 1.30 minutes, and the return will take about 40-50 minutes.
The monument "Grandpa Yotso"
Traveling on the road from Lakatnik to Mezdra through the Iskar gorge, stop for a coffee at the tourist complex "Dyado Yotso", Ochin dol village (not to be confused with Uchin dol known by Slavi Trifonov). From the road you will see Vazov’s hero on the rock, greeting the passing trains with his hat. The five - meter monument has been on the rocks opposite the railway line since 2005.
The complex has a tavern and a well-kept garden. On the hill opposite the complex you can see a park with wooden figures or take a short walk along the path "Forest Corner".
Monastery “The Seven Thrones”, Osenovlag village
To visit the Osenovlashki Monastery of the “Rozhdestvo Hristovo”, better known as “The Seven Thrones” Monastery, you must pass through the railway crossing at Elyseina Station and after about 11 km. (15 min) you will see the parking lot in front of the door of the monastery.
It is unique mainly because of its church, which has 7 altars (or thrones) - we do not have another such church in Bulgaria. The four main altars form a cross and are separated from the main hall by internal walls. Two are near the door, and the last (seventh) is just opposite the church entrance. Each throne is a separate chapel and is dedicated to a Bulgarian saint. The frescoes in the church are more than 100 years old.
Ivan Vazov dedicated the poem "The Riveter Beats" to the Seven Thrones Monastery.
Cherepish Monastery "God’s Mother Assumption"
The monastery was built during the reign of Tsar Ivan Shishman. It has been burned and devastated several times. At the beginning of the 17th century the Cherepish Monastery was restored thanks to Pimen Zografski. Then the current church was built.
Sofroniy Vrachanski found refuge here, and in recent times it is a favorite place of Ivan Vazov and Aleko Konstantinov. For Felix Kanitz, this is the most beautiful place on earth.
Apart from the church, remarkable in the Cherepish Monastery are the ossuary, in which the bones of some of Botev's rebels, who died near Rashov dol, were kept; the museum; Alec Alley. Of course, the natural views are no less unique.
Very close to the monastery is Rashov dol, which became the place of death of Hr. Botev and part of his rebels and the rock phenomenon Ritlite.
What to do?
Rafting and kayaking
Rafting and kayaking on the Iskar River in the Iskar Gorge for young and old!
* discounts for guests of the Pachova House
Dear guests, we offer you an unforgettable idea for an adventure in the heart of the Balkans. There you will be able to organize a great picnic and enjoy the amazing nature. The barbecue is from us - the rest from you!
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